The Mind Time, Chapter-6


 Kamlin Maner, a lady who lived in Jo seomikel she was a worker at the departmental store. The place was famous for the deposits of petroleum, the area was plane desert and had a chain of over hundred of sandy hilly, but the hills were quite big so, we can say them mountains made up of sand and rocks. There were so many mines in the mountains.

                                                                                                        One day the Kamlin was over with her shift and was going home, she had a grand party at her house. A man came out of nowhere and suddenly started asking her for some food, but kamlin was in a bit of hurry, and she does not want to open and fetch up some supplies for the man. The man was looking weird after repeated attempts for asking food but she refused. refused. 

                          'The weird became angry and he cursed the kamlin then and there that she will become a witcher and will starve for years and can only have blood and this curse will be for the whole family'. The news of finding 3-4 bodies daily was a piece of casual news and the matter was becoming serious day by day. The Board Of Law Of Lo made this act that the mining will be stopped so that no. of deaths could be decreased.

After that incident, the mountains came to be known as the Jomaners(Jo=was the name of the place, Maners=was the name of the lady). 

         Now if the people will not stop the space ship from getting crashed in the mountains, it would lead to the death of the thing sitting in it. 

The humans and the ovens asked space bots to reach near the Jomaners so that they could get attached to the space ship could install parachute to the ship. To decrease the speed of the ship and the bots came at the location and very difficultly made the space ship land out of the premises of the restricted area.

                                     All were eager to know what that was that space ship with all the media reporters. The door got opened and the smoke came and surrounded the scenario a thing approached the exit door the shadow was getting dark and when the smoke disappeared all got astonished at the first sight. when they saw, him!         


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